Alison Testroete
Name: Alison Testroete
UCI Code: 19830722
Hometown: Abbotsford, BC
First Alberta cycling club: Bow Cycle
Current Residence: Vancouver, BC
How did you get into cycling?
There are some popular trails behind my house in high school, we always saw mountain bikers going up there so my brother and I tried it. At first i HATED it, i couldn't understand why anyone would want to put them self in that kind of misery, on a rocky uphill, we did about, say 7 minutes of riding/pushing my bike and I had to turn back, my girls steel highbrid bike didn't help. Then i had a very persuasive class mate in gr. 11 that talked me into it, then the races, and here i am, i love it, a little bit tougher then my first go at it.
What was the first race you remember doing?
I believe it was a race in Kamloops, silver star. I think i did ok, and my confidence wasn't completely shattered.
Where was the most memorable race you ever did and why?
Good question, i would say Tour de Toona 2007 b/c it's where i finally felt i was riding at where i was capable of on that day.
Where was the worst race you ever did? What was it like?
Maybe bikes on broadway 2006, the wind was just terrible and i was cursing every person, everything i saw for 3 hours. Or Tour de Toona 2006, i suffered to just barely hang on... the first day, then the following.... 6 days. I couldn't comprehend what happened to all the training i had just done.
Who was your funniest teammate and why?
Gina Grain, she is so positive and finds humour in any moment. She's so funny b/c she has a different dry sense of humour than i do.
What was the greatest adversity you had to overcome in your racing career?
I would say living in Calgary in the winters, b/c it is SO cold! Mentally it's hard b/c you realize others are training in warmer areas.
What do you remember most about racing in Alberta and how have you changed as a cyclist?
In Alberta the racing/training was tough with the weather, also the womens scene really raced. There wasn't many of us, but we sure wanted to beat each other. It made me tougher, i look back and see the discipline and toughness I've gained. Additionally, the personal or mental ways i've become better with out realizing i needed to improve that in order to be physically faster. The community also sticks together, i miss that.
Who are you racing for now?
Total Restoration
Any advice for young racers?
I'm not so much good with advice, but I will say follow your heart and gut, do what makes you feel good, even if it doesn't always make sense or it's different than what other people are doing. Cycling wise, it's an uncommon sport in that the pay back takes a while, don't do it for results or recognition, b/c there generally is none. I've found I've become better b/c i truly do love it, and if you don't, motivation will be very difficult. Find your own way to be your best, ride on your own, or with your friends. There are no rules in my opinion. But i do know for sure, there is always a way, you just need to find it.
What are your goals for the future?
Basically to be my best in whatever i do, cycling wise, i would love to race in Europe in 2 years while doing architectural contract work.
When—if ever—will you retire from racing?
Can you ever say ever? I see myself always being active and riding, it's part of me now, it's my sanity. I would like to use my intensity in other areas like modern, sustainable design or home renovation.
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