X of Calgary: Cyclists Rolling On

A questionnaire posed to past Calgary cyclists.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jacob Erker

Name: Jacob Erker

UCI Code: CAN19751222

Hometown: Calgary

First Alberta cycling club: Cyclemeisters

Current Residence: Portland, OR

How did you get into cycling?
When I was 15, I actually called 411 and a real helpful operator found the number for Vitasport Cycles. Ed Novotni gave me Andy Holmwood's number and that was it. Good 'ol 411.

What was the first race you remember doing?
Provincial TT champs as a cadet. It was before they read the rule that cadets could only do 15k. So I did 40 and finished dead last by quite a margin. I couldn't concentrate that long and was going about 15kph just looking at trees and flowers.

Where was the most memorable race you ever did and why?
Tour de Beauce 2008. On Symmetrics, we helped Svein Tuft win the overall. It was always a goal of the team to win it, especially with Svein. Everyone on the team was on a mission to see him succeed and we were a perfect unit there.

Where was the worst race you ever did? What was it like?
Vuelta a Venezuela. It would take pages to tell the tale. Let's just say I won't go back.

Who was your funniest teammate and why?
Stuart Hughes aka Stix, Dustin Molicki, George Neuman and Cindy Klassen. We all lived together in San Diego in 2001 and I never laughed so hard in my life.

What was the greatest adversity you had to overcome in your racing career?
I had a lot of back problems in the 90's. I nearly quit racing but I realized how much I wanted to continue when it was being taken away. I've continued to work on my back 11 years on now, in fear of it taking me down again.

What do you remember most about racing in Alberta and how have you changed as a cyclist?
None of us had a clue about race tactics. And Calgary and Edmonton riders never talked to eachother. That seems ridiculous to me now. Having raced abroad since 1999, I've realized just how much riding it takes to do it at a professional level.

Last Alberta cycling club:
Bow Cycle

Who are you racing for now?
Kelly Benefit Strategies

Any advice for young racers?
Travel. Don't be afraid of trying races out of your league. Everyone gets their head kicked in from time to time. You need to do a big race to see where you stand and where you have to go. And there are no shortcuts in cycling. You simply have to ride your bike a lot to be successful.

What are your goals for the future?
Taking it year by year. I don't have any specific goals but to remain a dedicated teammate. This brings results to the team and gives me opportunities for myself from time to time. I hope to expand on coaching down the road also.

What do you love to do off the bike?
Drink coffee, walk the dog, play with my daughter and spend time with my wife.

When—if ever—will you retire from racing?
Immediately upon winning the lottery


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